Sales Management System

A full featured Management System that will control your data from from GoDown to Shop, Shop to Customer and also in reverse order from Customer to Shop and to other Vendors of Shop. Sales Management System is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of sales techniques and the management of a firm's sales operations. It is an important business function as net sales through the sale of products and services and resulting profit drive most commercial business.

Sales Management System Features

  • Check Product
  • Check Price
  • GoDown Panel
  • Shop Panel
  • Shop Service Panel
  • Short Reports
  • Widgets
  • Logout
  • Add Product
  • Add Category
  • Add Brand
  • Add Vendor
  • Add Bank
  • Add Barcode
  • Add Fixed Products
  • Add Purchase Invoice
  • Add Shop Invoice
  • View Products
  • View Vendors
  • View Fixed Products
  • View Purchase Invoices
  • View Shop Invoices
  • Pending Cheque
  • Cleared Cheque
  • Add Customer
  • Add Sale Invoice
  • Add Shop Fixed Products
  • View Shop Products
  • View Customers
  • View Customers Ledger
  • View Sale Invoices
  • View Sale Invoices Ledger
  • View Sales Report
  • View Fixed Products
  • Add Fault
  • Add Services Receipt
  • Check Service Receipt
  • Confirm Service Receipt
  • Service Receipt Process
  • Add Service Invoice
  • Add Service Invoices Payment
  • View Pending Service Invoices
  • View Service Invoices
  • Add User
  • View Prints
  • View Login Activity

Intuitive & Smart

Handle and manage your all data and records in easy and intelligent way.

Easy To Use

Easy to use via keyboard, touch screen and other input devices with min input and maximum output.

Generate Barcode

Generate Bar-code for new entry and read input using Bar-code devices too.

Data Security

Keeping an eye of all users data flow activity and status for Admin.

Admin/User Level

Different level of access for different privileges to make a level of entry.

Extra Modules

Managing Product Warranty and Service record also along with sale and GoDown Records.

Responsive For All

Responsive Web Application to be access from anywhere and from Any devices including handheld too.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know what you are looking for so here we have some answers/

How much it Costs?

We have no fixed cost to define before your requirement because we are providing special customize platform for every business so we cant predict before your words.

Is there any Privileges Level?

Yes, this is completely on you whatever you want. You can control the access of each and every page/module for any user.

Is this System Responsive in every case?

Yes, Its responsive and portable in every case so you can use it in your mobile to PC and can keep it online with you anywhere.

What About Data Security?

We cover you all as per your need. You can keep an eye of all data in and out of users even if they delete it.

Have more Quires?

Feel free to ask us anything, we will reply you everything.

Want To See It Live In Action?

Book Your Online DEMO Right Now.

We recommend you not to order or contact us now. First give it a try and satisfy yourself. We will only take care of your business to boost it at easiness.